Congratulations mr. Joe Biden

Well, congratulations Joe. I just knew it. When I started supporting the next election, you were always the one that I personally supported.

I do it because I believe, that in you we have a midleaning, good person, that will have the ability to lead not only the US, but the whole world.

Don’t get me wrong, Obama did an amazing job, mr. Trump is not doing a bad job either.

But I believe, that you also have it in you.

Being the leader of the world is a very difficult thing, and only if you really do your best can you succeed. But I sincerely believe that you can do it.

First of all, I believe, that there is a balance between the workers of the socialist perspective and the new Frankfurter school ideology.

In Denmark we have gone all haywire on multiculturalism, forgetting the workers.

That won’t do, and that is the reason things are going down.

But in the US, we still support the stout and strong workers, and try to make jobs for them. Real working class jobs in a cooperation with the industry.

That is a vital first step to my mind.

Then talking about multiculturalism. Multiculturalism do not work, if we ONLY look a the color of a persons skin. What we need to look a lot more at, is what ideology binds us together.

Here I believe, that rev. Martin Luther King was in the right, by supporting a faith that underlined all that we have in common, and not the differences.

Unity is ALSO a biblical supported idea. That we are all created equal in the eyes of the spirit.

That is also very important, that what brings us together is something that is beyond race and the skirmishes we use to have with each other.

That is possible, and it WILL bring us together.

But there is a war coming, and that is not something that really is natural to liberals.

That is something we need to make peace with somehow, and perhaps it is better for those who strive for peace to be the ones leading the wars.

That is a thing that we can learn from Scipio Africanus. He started the war with Carthage always bearing in mind the peace he wanted to create in the end.

That is a lesson we can learn from.

Scipio is a true peace nick in a sense, he knew he had to go through a terrible war to find peace, so he did it brilliantly, and then drew back.

Sometimes you have to fight to make peace. It is one of those enigmas of politics.

An enigma we have to face as well.

But, I endorsed you half a year ago, so there is no reason to do it again. You were always MY favourite.

G-d bless the peace we will find eventually.

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