I think that what we should do now, after we lost the election, a part from trying to play a constructive role, whenever that is possible, is to use this opportunity to rearm ourselves with new ammunition.
How do we do that? By listening to the voices of our critics. In my mind, critics are a gift sent from heaven, they will teach you to do better, if you listen to what they are saying.
What Andrew Breibart is saying, is that we have been too stuck into a Frankfurterschool political correctness. As in blaming everybody who we disagree with as racists and so on.
Well, hands down. He is right. We have been too cocky on our own selfworth, and simple answers in the Frankfurterschool has not only made us stupid. It has also scared away all the workers.
I believe, that Barack and I have already worked quite a lot on that. Working on the business issues, production issues, issues of islamists, family, spirituality and so on. But instead of accepting things as they stand, we need to broaden the scope, and give ourselves good tools for a comeback.
Doesn’t that sound like a much better idea than trying to put pokes in the wheels of the Conservatives?
Political development has been too much of a mud fest, and too little about finding those satisfactory answers to the problems of our nation.
Anyway, you have me right? Have I ever let you down? No, have I made new ideas available for you? Yes, will I be loyal and a good friend, despite the sacrifice it will be for me? Yes.
So do not worry too much, we will pick up the mess and do something about it.
Just, stay honest, that is truly the criticism of Breibart, let us not abuse the power we have, but be good and truly supportive.
G-d bless the will to do good.