
Listen princess, let me be honest. I get a lot of vision in the night in my dreams.

Lately I have had these amazingly beautiful visions of us, and I have really been thinking about what that means.

They mean, that if we continue our adventure, we are going to be an amazing inspiration for faith, family and good.

It makes sense. People look for ways to live their lives. If they see someone, who are living a happy and good life, they will copy that.

So if there is the amazing couple, who are doing really well, people will start to do like that couple.

So we can, by just being ourselves and living a good and fulfilling life be a massive force for spirituality.

So this is the potential. It is much, much more than just our relationship. It is all the potential it has.

G-d bless the possibility to make a better world where families are united, and love is the norm.

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