We are living in a time of great upheaval and Change.
There are a few parallels that are obvious to learn from, not least the protestant revolution. I am not going into the debates of that time, my point is, that some of mechanisms that were in the 1500 hundreds with Luther is the same as what we are witnessing today.
A world where the elite is in many ways detached from the people, a time where the anger from the people against the elite is tangible.
Usually we end up in these wars of Change. I mean, after the protestant revolution we had the French Revolution, the Russian revolution and so on.
Usually there is a philosopher that steers the direction of the revolution. In the protestant revolution it was Luther, in the French Revolution is was Voltaire, Rousseau and others. In this it is me and a lot of wonderful bloggers and YouTubers as Jordan Peterson and many others.
So we need to learn from history to try and avoid the murder and mayhem that usually goes with the Change. In the French Revolution the Jacobins put up guillotines to chop of the heads of royalty!
We really need to avoid that, we should, by all means not be violent to the WEF, banks and so on. We should be careful to Change our societies so that the connection between the people and the elite is reestablished as something trustful and true.
At least this is my motivation and goal.
Royalty is having a come back, and that is good. Royalty is what we need these days, and they are, to my knowledge and experience wonderful, honest people.
So this development will hopefully be realized WITHOUT the chopping of of the heads of the “villains” of this day and age.
That is really what I have worked on, the evolution of the international societies, so that we do not loose the qualities of the old world and gain new qualities to make a better and more virtuous world.
G-d bless the will to do be a good man and woman, and fight for a better world.