Ok, this is a kind of a service announcement here on the blog.
I am kind chipping out of Facebook. Lately it has been a very taxing experience. I have been connected with so many people and agendas.
On top of it, my romance with the crown princess of Spain is really getting from bad to worse.
So, it is really taxing.
And it is also an invitation. I proposed to the princess, that we could make a court in Spain with all of my friends. It could be amazing. The Rotschild’s seemed to be in on it from the beginning. But just imagine getting together everyone. We could make an amazing place for the betterment of humanity in that court.
Ah well, if ANY of you feel like drinking a cup of coffee and have a nice conversation, you are more than welcome.
I really appreciate that what we can do, is to make a better world.
I hope that you all see my efforts for what it is; an attempt at making a more peaceful, harmonious, rich world, where all of humanity thrives and are happy.
So, you are just more than welcome. This includes, everyone.
G-d bless the will to reach out and be true friends.