
You know princess, I have been an artist my whole life. I started in school in theatre, then I was a dancer for many years, then a writer, a blogger and a newsman.

I even made a few music albums, I am a rockstar, essentially.

All these years of being on a stage, and trying to get my message over to the audience taught me one great lesson. You never know who your audience is.

When I started my career, or whatever you would call it as a philosopher. I had this idea, that I wanted to be a business philosopher. So I wrote a beautiful book about business philosophy. But then I went on the Camino, and I decided to go into politics. The Camino starts when you get home.

I didn’t really know who my audience was, but I realized, that the royal houses really loved my writings. A lot of liberals as well, the EU and many other. But especially the royals. I had absolutely no idea, that that would happen.

But you know, i am grateful for the audience I have. If you have fans, you should be grateful.

Your fans are the people from Spain. Some of them modern, but a lot of the very conservative.

That is fine, you have to find yourself within that frame, and find yourself in it.

But as a royal, you are forced to navigate that tightrope in the middle of the society. Not too much, not too little.

So you take all these wonderful, ancient institutions and you put your own spin on it. But it has to be very careful.

I have done a lot of work within green Change. I love nature, wandering around in nature. This has been very interesting for all the royals. Because it is a cool, modern thing, and the royals have a lot of estates, forests and so on. So that makes sense.

Prince Andrew in the UK, my king here in Denmark and so on. It is a middle leaning conservative position.

BUT you know, when King Frederik the X was crowned here in Denmark, he made a good show of it. He is really a sympathetic king. People just love him, BUT he had this Shamabala tie around his wrist, oh did people talk about that!

That was too much!

He is the defender of the Christian faith, and people hold him accountable.

I mean, he probably went on a tour to Tibet and got the wristband, that is ok. But he still needs to show fidelity to the Christian church. These institutions are connected to the house of royalty.

The Catholic church however is a whole other institution, it is immensely powerful, extremely deep and ancient.

The popes have this massive power.

You are their queen, their flower, their hope, the beautiful person at the top of the hierarchy. That is why they are so thrilled about our relationship. Because they hope, that I can sprinkle you with a bit of my glitter as well. Such an illustrious pair.

You have to serve your fans, make them happy to succeed.

At least that is my experience.

I don’t want to you to take me for the prospects of this. I want you to take me, because you like who I am.

So, this is not a sales pitch, it’s just to try and give you my experience, so maybe you can use it to manage your career, that has already begun.

G-d bless the will to be good in this world.

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