Finding true love

Many people say, that love is only for the wealthy. That to have true love, you have to have a good career, be respected in the community and all that.

That is off cause a truth in a sense, to find true love you have to be in a place, where you are able to both fall in love, and also attract the right person.

Yet, truly it does have more to do with your mental state. Are you happy, in balance, do your life support itself.

My best example on how this works is my mom. She was alone for many years. She just couldn’t find anyone. Then she became grandmum and here sheer joy was what attracted Jørgen down at the local communal washing center.

He was a meteorologist by education and an engineer by profession. So he always told us stories about his exploits on Greenland, when he was there as a young man. He took my mom to the Opera, and treated with quality wine.

He was just such a gentleman.

So he healed her, slowly, over the years. Gave her a reason for her to trust him, just over and over again. All the while telling us all his stories.

He was both gentle and strong.

My mum helped him get his life in order as well. So they were really an endearing couple.

He was so proud of her. My mum was a teacher, and he was so proud of how she gave all the kids a lot of knowledge.

So, meeting true love, is essentially a question of getting to a place, where YOU are ready for it.

Then again, there are also a lot of stories about people finding true love when they are most down. I heard a story about a couple who found each other at the asylum. They were both going nuts, and the love they had saved each other. It is a true story.

G-d bless the will to be honest and true, to those you love.

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