Finding true love

July 18th, 2024

All right, I know that my endeavors into the realm of love is not exactly high profile politicking, yet it seems to me, that a lot of my readers are really into it.

Love is essentially a subject that never goes out of style. Why worry about AI, when you can worry about the rich and amazing life you can get, if you find someone you REALLY love?

I mean, you would be a fool not to worry about love, love is one the only true qualities in life, that is all just good for us.

Seen from a masculine point of view, what is that we men have to worry about to find someone? Is it only for the rich and beautiful?

I always come back to my mums story, she was lonely for so many years, and then she found Jørgen when she went to wash clothes in the communal laundromat.

She was old and had most all her beauty, Jørgen looked like a cannon ball, all round everywhere. Yet, he was just such a wonderful person. And that is really what it comes down to, how are you as a person. Are you a selfish, self-absorbed person, or are you are giving, strong and positive person.

And are you able to carry your positive lifestyle into a relationship. That is, are you able to keep being that positive, supportive and wonderful person IN the relationship.

We men like to have careers, and conquer the world. So, we also need a woman, that will support our fights.

At a more material level, women are just as obsessed with your looks as we men are. We men see a pair of big boobs, and that fascinates us, dont get me wrong, women are just the same.

I know it from my dancing, women go crazy over a man with six pack, and if he can dance, she goes even more crazy. The looks.

Why is it, that Johnny Depp is so popular. He is a very cool artist, yet what is REALLY cool about that guy, is that he has this amazing style.

The same with Axl Rose, he has style as well, and women go crazy about that.

So, to get closer to a beautiful woman, get stylish, find your own style, exaggerate a little, but not too much.

Women are also crazy about intelligence. That is something that is a little different from men to women. We men CAN live with a girl with big boobs that is not smart. Women can’t live with that. Intelligence is what attracts them the most.

So when you are IN the relation, shower her with your wit and good head. Give her your attention, evolve with her, support her in her own emotional development. Give her of yourself, so that she feels that your relationship is evolving, sound and brings here somewhere.

Women are all into discussing with their friends about men, they super analyze the most minute detail, so you are ALWAYS on display.

What YOU bring into the relationship is ethics.

Women are crazy about a real man, and real men are not those who fight and destroy things haphazardly. Real men are those few individuals who have integrity and are ready to fight for what they believe in.

Like, girls are dreaming about the knight on the white horse, saving them. So is this dream all about the shining armor? Yes to a point, but truly it is about the ethical make up of the knight. His integrity, his fight to make a better world, protect the small guys.

That is the true attraction of women to the knight with the shining armor.

So these are my tips of finding a sprite of a woman, someone you can spend your life with.

It is NEVER too late.

G-d bless the will to find true love.

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