
This is a public message for his majesty Charles the III.

Dear Charles, there has been a bit discussion on the issue of me being a friend of the British royal institutions and the new king himself.

To be honest about this issue, and I have been thinking a lot about it, off cause I am a friend of the British royal house. I have been a friend of the royal house for a long time, and hopefully I will continue to be so.

The reasons are quite simple. To me the royal house of the UK is a very, very, very important institution of the entire world. It is a major pillar of conservatism.

So, yes I am your friend, and I would love to continue the conversation in real dialogue.

My mail is available, and we have had, a bit of conversation on Telegram. Please let us continue that.

If not, I will off cause continue supporting the royal house of the British in any meaningful way.

G-d bless the royal house of the British.

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