Good news

Well, in the interest of my own life going one to one with the life of Israel, I believe, that I have a lot of good news.

The constant persecution and threat has abated, and I have my economy under control.

It may sound like small step in the world affairs, but to me it means, that I can continue blogging, not locally here in Denmark, that is out of the question. I will be persecuted again, but I mean, I guess we have tried it before, and it does not work. I definitely prefer to work internationally and then actually get things done in a nice and constructive way.

So, all in all, we are progressing along a positive path.

If we look a half a year forward, we will be in a good place. Still there is the trauma to deal with and the anger. But Israel will essentially be secure.

G-d bless the will to be at a good path.

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