Happy birthday! I hope you have a good day, with friends coming over, slicing your birthday cake and sharing a good time. This is what all wish for for their friends.
One thing I really noticed with you, is the fact, that you are a good friend. I always hear a lot of negative comments on the internet about you, and I always have the feeling, that people do not really know you.
They do not know how you fought from behind for Barack, how you supported him all the way. How you always remained loyal. I did, because I really appreciate this human trait. It is the foundation of politics, you need to be able to trust those you work with and from.
I will remain your friend as well, through the next two years, at the election, after that, and perhaps we will even meet one day, face to face, and you can cut that birthday cake, and hand me a slice.
Happy birthday mr. Vice president, may you live another good year, and may we all prosper by the grace of spirit.
G-d bless you 🙂