I am here

Listen princess, the attraction that you may feel to someone who are far away can be devastating. Especially if you are not really sure what is going on in the other end.

My best advice is, get sure. Have insurances of me, that is really the only medication.

Now, I am a prince far away, and the only way I can reach you is through these internet devices.

What you truly need, and I know I have been saying it before, is more CONCRETE evidence of my presence.

I will be happy to oblige.

So again, the only way, that you are going to get out of these ups and downs, is if you have given me that little white stone, for me to carry.

So, I have to do something important, this means, I will be unavailable for the next three hours. Ok?

This is pretty tough, but it will make us stronger, when you experience, that I am not going away, I am right here.

G-d bless the will to be nice to those you love.

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