I see you

You know princess, one thing is how you look, and your charm. Another thing is, who you are.

I can see all your charm and your flashing smiles. That is more than most people would be able to handle.

However, the person I believe, that I truly love, is the person that is inside of that pretty, charming princess.

The strong, wise for her years, yet mild person.

You do give, and think about me, and what I need.

That is actually more precious than anything, and I appreciate it, more than you know.

I love YOU, the whole person.

The same goes for me. I am a pretty boy, you know. I have always been an artist, a musician, a writer and a dancer.

Things that has a lot of surface value.

But I am, beneath all my charm and flashing smiles, a true, compassionate ME.

You see that, and that is why the time stands still. Because that is a recognition of each other in a much more profound way.

G-d bless the will of seeing who you truly are.

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