Israel high court

The Netanyahu government is trying to reform the current structure of the judiciary system. As a philosopher, this is right down my alley, so here are my reflections, so far. I will try to debate these issues, and you are more than welcome to invite me try and make a reform.

Let’s have a look at it.

First of all, high judges are supposed to have a conservative bend. They are the protectors of the system, and this means, that they are supposed to defend the constitution. At least, this was the case in the Spartan system, with the ephors, who were very powerful judges. Lycurgus purposely made it this way, the make sure, that the laws were followed by the Spartans, and the constitution most important of all.

Also, Plato sees the philosophers as a guarantee and defender of the state, in the sense, that we are supposed to enlighten the state, when it is morally corrupted. The truth will be the best defense against evil and corruption.

This also points to the fact, that the high judges are supposed to be much more than just lawyers, they are supposed to be true philosophers, understanding the tenets of natural law.

I think, that the conflict right now is two fold. First of all, the high judges are too liberal, this goes against the idea of high judges, that are supposed to be conservative.

Secondly, supporting the LGTB movement is, seen from a platonic point of view, pretty unwise.

It is not that I have anything against gays, not at all. But family is the bedrock of a sound society, and high judges are supposed to see it in this perspective.

So there is something wrong with the election process. We need to ensure, that the judges that end up as high judges meet these criteria as having a conservative bend and being wise.

Often these persons are not judges or layers, but philosophers. Just imagine having Kant or Buber as high judges, that would ensure the necessary skill set.

G-d bless the state of Israel.

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