
Mr. Barack Obama former president of the US has his birthday today, happy birthday mr. President.

Why is this so important in these days? Because in many ways the legacy of mr. Obama is under a lot of pressure. The idea, that we are one people, in the world, the mirage of unity and the direction towards peace.

But there are actually good signs. A lot of the peoples around the world still hang on to these ideals and ideas, not least in Saudi Arabia, where the peace negations are made to end the war in Ukraine.

Things Change. Sometimes, things change beyond our control, but the reality of the world today is, that we can choose ourselves, do we still step in the footsteps of that illustrious president of the US, or do we go down the path of mutual destruction?

I hope, that the example of peace will stand and maybe continue as we tread forward in this world.

G-d bless the will to be able to find peace.

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