New paths

All right, fresh out of the latest annoyances of the Danish state.

It seems to be the fact, that the state has decided to defund my TV station. It is not 100%, but the arrow points to that decision.

It has to do with my stance on Islam. The state has decided to, inadvertently to support the book burnings of Paludan, and stop the peace process.

Ok, this is off cause sad, in the eyes of the peaceproces, and to me, does not make much sense.

Anyway, the deciding factor, has been, probably, due to envy or something like that.

So, where it goes from now, I do not know, but peace from the Danish state on these issues are not really probable.

This has some consequences to my own life. First of all, I am going to, personally, try and support the peaceproces in the Middle East, and be a part of a global striving for peace and prosperity.

I am persecuted by the state here in Denmark, so it is difficult, to go up against the chaos that is emanating from the state, but I will do my best.

Also, it will mean, that I will have to make a living, that is not connected to the state. This I will be working on, for the next half a year. The EU seems to be interested in making something, and I will be glad to support this.

Probably, it will have something to do with the future of the EU. I have some ideas, and I hope, that I can push this agenda to a wiser and more successful conclusion.

It will also mean, that I am free to write whatever I want. For the last five to six months, I have been looked over my shoulder very, very aggressively.

But the freedom I have from not having to think about the state, and their plans and priorities, is actually a good thing.

This freedom I will use, to support the process in the US, we are heading into a election.

So Joe, in a strange way, this will give me the impetuous to work on the future of the US.

Maybe also on some of the more pressing issues of IT and how we make a world, that is good for people. There is the discussion on artificial intelligence, and there is Twitter. We have to further the discussion on these issues.

For the betterment of not only me and you, but for all on the planet.

So, I hope you are a bit more patient with me, it has been a pretty hard half a year, but I have plans, that will, hopefully, stabilise my life here.

Anyway, the freedom it gives me not to think about the state and their depraved priorities, is nice.

G-d bless the will to be honest in thought and good in action.

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