It seems to me, that I kind of is accepted in the international vip artist community.
I really appreciate that, because of a host of issues, good and bad.
Usually when someone wish to talk they invite me to all kinds of things. The politicians invite me to Davos, that is a meeting where all the movers and shakers of politics talk and exchange ideas. I couldn’t participate last year, because of some issues. But next year I will definitely go, if they want me. They probably will, because I am planning the EU and a lot of other issues.
The British royals invite me to Oxford to present my ideas. That has been a blast, and as soon as my economy is all right again, I will come and discuss in the Church of St Mary.
So, this is kind of how people engage with me. The Catholics also invite me to this seriously cool metaphysical/physical project called then Vatican observatory.
Anyway, if you want to invite me, I will happy to come.
I really want to make a film as well, if I can. I have some real world stories to tell with a lot of drama and heroism.
G-d bless the friendship you can make across the Atlantic, and let’s make a movie. 🎥