Let’s make a movie

July 12th, 2024

When we talk about Hollywood, and my ambition to make a film. I truly believe, that it has to have something to do about love, romance and finding that person that truly lifts us up.

We have been through a long movement of Meetoo, which has, in many ways been amazing and truly positive.

Yet after a fight, there should also be a time of healing.

What we need now is healing. We need to find each other again, and truly connect.

Here the platonic soul mate ideals are a path we can take.

These ideals are just eternal and beautiful.

So maybe make a movie about that? It would probably push all the right buttons with the audience as well, and Plato really gives a lot of depth and understanding to these issues.

It moves on a very, very high theoretical level and at the same time, it is both practical as well and easily understandable if you tell it in the right way.

So hit me an offer to copilot a manuscript. I have mostly worked in journalism/documentary in Denmark, yet I know most of the craft, and have a story to tell, so I could probably help make a really good movie.

G-d bless the will to find healing in love again.

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