
Ok, so we are getting closer to some kind of deal?

I believe that the deal that is on the table, is flexible, realistic and gives the necessary room for negotiations.

The thing is, the outcome is pretty much defined already. So in a way, we are going through the normal steps of moving towards each other, we all know, that the aim is peace, and the priorities on each side is pretty clear.

Hamas wants to survive, and Israel wants peace and security guarantees.

There is still the aim of destroying Hamas totally. I get it, it’s an aim. I actually managed to destroy ISIS.

The issue is, that we are in a bad strategic situation, due to the terrain we are fighting in, aka the tunnels.

So that aim is very difficult to reach.

Now, in any negotiation each side has to make concessions, and the concessions are pretty clear.

Hamas needs to give up the hostages, Israel needs to accept that Hamas gets to survive.

These are kind of the basic priorities of each side.

Now, Hamas is a part of ISIS at least ideologically, so it’s not that I can’t see the problems with Hamas, I can.

However, compared to ISIS that was just a genocidal apocalyptic Muslim movement, Hamas HAS a claim against colonialism, and that makes Hamas different from ISIS.

Anyway, we will see how the negotiations will proceed.

It is going to be painful for Israel to go through these negotiations.

So, that is a consideration.

G-d bless the will to find peace in the Israeli/Gazan war.

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