Organize communities

I have just been through a lot of fun with my friends in the festival group. It was actually an opportunity to talk to a lot of young people in the group, and one thing really struck me.

A lot of the young people of our times are so tired of all the internet related communal things. They want the real deal, real friends, in real groups, in real community.

So, this is something, I think we need to do better at.

I come from a generation, before the internet really took over, so I know how it is to be with friends and just have a lot of fun. Collect the family around me, and just have a social gathering.

It gives a lot to the depth to your friendship and gives you REAL experiences of life.

Instead of focusing so much on what we do wrong in this world, we should focus on what we do right.

Create better frames around the generations who were living most of their lives in their phones. Give them REAL and sustainable communities.

So me and my friend, we were having a lot of fun, we stood up for each other through the festival, and just felt we had each others back.

This is quality of life.

G-d bless the ability to plan and organize good communities.

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