All right, so I have discussed the principles of Israel being the “light upon the Nations” before. Essentially it is an act of helping. We are supposed to support the nations of the world with our expertise and knowledge. That is the essential principle.
Yet HOW? How do we really do it, help and support. It is about giving. Or rather, the ART of giving. Giving is very difficult. To give, you have to have serious and friendly relationship to those you give to. You can give to someone on the street who is in great need of food. But on a national level, it’s a whole other level of trust and sacrifice you have to do.
Then the obvious question is, if we just give, will we ever RECEIVE, and if we receive something, what is it truly that we receive. What is quite apparent in my situation right now, is the fact that people often give what you need. I have helped a lot of people all around the world for many years. Now I am really in trouble because of this horrendous PM we have. People help me so much. Why, because I have GIVEN of my own heart for many years.
Yet it also gives a lot of respect. Right now, Israel is in deep trouble with Israels image. We have been fighting and surviving for two years almost. Almost dying as a nation. Yet now we need to turn the tide of understanding of Israel. Here GIVING is a way to rekindle the respect for Israel around the world. We are Jews, sometimes we have defend ourselves, I have to defend myself for the time being. I hate it, I would rather just make peace. But I am a Jew, we get attacked all the time, then we have to defend ourselves. As the Maccabees, as David. So many Jews have defended Judaism and Jewishness. But after the fighting, we need to turn the tide of peoples appreciation of us.
That is to help, support and give our resources back into the world. That is the long time strategy, and the old wise prophets they knew this, and gave us this wonderful task.
So lets do it, figure out, where we may be at service and help in the world, from the depth of our wise and good hearts.
G-d bless Israel, may we prevail.
This is a shout out to the Syrian new government. What really is important, is to make a constitution, where the checks and balances are there to ensure the peace is upheld.
This is a VERY academic pursuit. There are a lot of things to think about. Aristotle and Plato are the two go to philosophers to consider, and there is a deeper layer of understanding what a nation is that goes all the way back to Babylon and other likeminded polis organizational structures. It’s an art form to make a good constitution.
I will, hopefully, be deeply involved in it. Feel free to setup an interview, so that I can administer a deeper understanding of the facts on the ground.
With Israeli and American support it is a form of a republican/one chamber democratic constitution.
Yet it HAS to reflect the situation on the ground.
So, don’t hesitate to involve me, I would love to support you.
G-d bless the will to support the Syrian government, making a viable and solid new nation.
Just to come to a more positive vibe, after having been forced to deal with out sad excuse of a PM.
I have given it a lot of thought concerning my service to mankind.
Service is about GIVING. To give of what you have to the world. My skill set is very much in the political/religious conservative end.
There are many movements, churches, mosques and synagogues who I can GIVE something to. Like now with the election of a new archbishop of the Anglican Church. Here I can be at service; try to understand the principles of a new course. Understand the political challenges and then support a unified Anglican Church.
Also, the Catholic Church, proving the existence of G-d. It could potentially be a renewal of all over the world. We need to get the arguments out into mainstream. G-D IS ALIVE, our cry upon our lips must be.
So, shedding light on the different very important issues is a service. I will try, to the best of my ability, to serve those who try to make a better world. ALL those who try that, there will be no exceptions, someone who do not qualify. We are the beautiful creatures made by the creator.
So, this is what my work will focus on. Also the political aspects off cause. I made the migration principles Trump is running on, there is a deep and profound philosophical reflection behind these ideas. The more we are able to discuss them, the sounder the basis.
So, although I have to contend with all these horrible, satanic forces in Denmark. My faith is undiminished.
G-d bless the will to make a better world. May we all become better.
All right, let’s see if we can analyze the strategic sitaution in the north of Europe.
First of all ms. Mette Frederiksen. She is the real problem. She is stupid as a rock, has a self inflated understanding of herself, and she unsympathetic. She has just persecuted me for over two years, without any reason.
She is mean and stupid, also what you call a bully.
The only language she understands is force. She cannot be reasoned with, she does not want to do any debate. She is stupid and incompetent.
Due to this, she fails to see, that the “alliance” she has made is essentially a lot of back pounding and a little mercy. No one is going to send their expensive hardware to Greenland to help a disgusting bitch pounding a philosopher, who are, by all means, a very nice person. It doesn’t make any sense.
She can’t see that, so she feels emboldened by her own self image as someone being a “good leader”. The truth is, she really stupid and terrible.
Anyway, to support this analysis, just see what happens, if we start pushing her so-called “allies”, in a nice way, just make them see our side of the equation. Isolate her and then see what happens.
G-d bless the will to make a series and honest defense of free speech and independence of intellectuals.
Well, there is bad news on the Scandinavian front.
Mette Frederiksen has gathered an alliance of sorts, and has openly attacked me. Sent an exuberance of bills, designed at destroying my life. Open attack.
She feels confident, that the Americans are too weak to negotiate for Greenland, and is attacking me as a result.
Ok, bad news bears.
What do we do?
First of all, I think it is about isolating Denmark strategically. Right now, there is a sort of alliance, but it seems very pro forma.
I would reach out to the different parties in the alliance, and see if they are willing to leave the alliance with some kind of compensation.
After having isolated Denmark, I would slowly but forcefully, show presence in the arctic, militarily.
Those allies who are still present, would then show if they really mean it.
The German chancellor is leaving soon anyway, Mr Macron can’t afford a war, neither can the rest of the “alliance”. So it is really fools gold Frederiksen has conjured.
At the same time, take a talk with Putin, he is open to share the dominion over Greenland. It could, potentially, be a friendly opener, leading to make peace in Ukraine.
It’s a shame, that Frederiksen is so inexperienced with diplomacy and warfare, she doesn’t stand a chance in hell.
But I guess she has to learn it the hard way.
G-d bless the will to make peace and find a solution to this unbridled aggression of Frederiksen.
Ok, let’s see if we can discuss the repatriation plan of Gaza.
In the beginning, I proposed it, as a humanitarian solution to the Gaza conflict. Instead of having the civilians living in a bombed out place. I proposed it as a way to keep them out of harms way. But it is also a much more permanent solution than the current situation. Keeping the Gazans away from Israel.
The Arabs, that is Saudi Arabia supported the idea. So they thought it to be a good way of doing it.
Now however, the situation is different. The Gazans have stopped fighting and there is peace. So the momentum is not for the solution as much as in the beginning of the war.
My advice, talk to the Saudis, they are our closest ally, so they are important to listen to. But also, give an ear to our other allies.
The problem is, that Saudi Arabia wants to have a state in Gaza, and this is not acceptable to the Knesset. So that is a future problem.
But, I would listen to our allies, are they still in on the plan, or what is the situation.
G-d bless the will to make peace in the Middle East.
I think I have finally figured out the principles that drive Rubicon, and why it has been so successful over the years. It’s because, what is given here is given without any thought of compensation. It’s given freely, really.
As I grow the platform to include podcasts, this principle should be continued to the interviews and thoughtful conversations. It should be given freely to support people around the world in their troubles.
By continuing this basic principle, hopefully my work will be as successful at podcasting as blogging.
What I am saying is, that if anyone of my readers need help in their work, don’t hesitate to reach out. I will be doing some preparation for myself, and try to figure out, where I might be at service to others.
It should be giving and sacrificing my time, that should be the way forward. In itself the process in itself will be a point in the whole dialogue.
G-d bless the will to share and be at service for people around you.
All right, where are we in the development of the Middle East. Essentially, we are at the cusp of a peace, that will encompass all the Middle East.
The ability to make progress in each nation is going to be provided by Israel, through the adaptation of pure and sound political/religious philosophy.
I am working on a series of podcasts, my idea is to get information on each player, and help sustain the positive development, by reflecting on these interviews.
For instance; Syria, how do we tackle the issues of a new constitution. The interview could be with a central player in the new Syrian government.
This is about networking, and I am working really hard to expand my network through different parts of my existing network.
Any ideas on talks, send it to
Preferably Middle East, but other subjects are off cause possible as well; EU, American development, UK, Russia, all are more than welcome.
The Spanish situation is still unresolved, but of cause. I am more than willing to discuss the development of a beautiful Spain.
G-d bless the will to make a better world.
All right these are some reflections for Mr. Trump. First of all, life saver putting pressure on Mette Frederiksen, you actually saved my life. The PET put a tail on me on my way to my job, apart from that, they threatened (as you can see below on the PET posting), but has so far not attacked. Anyway, thanks again. VERY much appreciated.
Concerning the Middle East, Iran seems to want to play ball. I would make a deal. Last time, when I made a deal with Barack, they made it very costly. Your position is much better than Barack’s at the time, so the deal should be cheaper in terms of what we give. Also, it’s all about the nuclear development. Don’t be fooled too much about it. They actually threatened with nuclear weapons in the war. So they must get rid of those they threatened with. Anything wouldn’t make sense.
Then, concerning Gaza. The repatriation plan could work with the Arabs, actually they proposed it early in the war. It was my idea originally, but the Arabs liked it. I don’t know where they are on it now, but it would solve a lot of problems. I proposed finding a solitary place, and the just rebuild a good place for them. I would not let the settlers move in, that is too much. But make it a place for all different religions to be.
It would solve the problem, once and for all.
G-d bless the will to make peace in the Middle East. May we prevail.
It seems to me, that we are kind of caught in the momentum, all of us.
Peace is coming to Israel, after a long existential fight. We could have lost, there were situations, where we were at the brink of destruction. We ALMOST lost all our allies, we were one move away from annihilation. Now peace is coming, we are at a good strategic position. Still there is a lot of reparation that has to be done to understanding of Israel as a nation, but when things settle, there will be time to do that.
Also, it hinges on me. I am the link that goes from our allies to our potential enemies. So, I NEED to get to Israel.
Then, if and when I get there. Then how will the Israelis treat me? Will they treat me as the king, or just a blogger?
That is actually really important. Because if the peace is based on the crown I bear, and the Israelis are not interested in putting it on my head, then the peace the fall.
That is actually a great risk.
Don´t get me wrong, this is NOT a sales pitch, and for the humble service of royalty, I am a great fan of princess Anne and her dedication to the British throne, she is amazing.
It’s just the reality of the situation on the ground.
Sometimes I honestly feel like on remote control. Especially with my relationship to the Leonor, I don´t get to choose what I want, I am pushed somehow. It’s really weird, we are supposed to have free will, not me, I get pushed.
The momentum is certainly there, we will see, where it carries us. There is no doubt however, that if this works. We can build the temple, we will have peace. Just imagine being witness to things that has been dreamt of for three thousand years. The relief.
So, that is pretty amazing when you think about it.
G-d bless the will to make peace in the Middle East, may we prevail.
I have a distinct feeling, that the PET is planning an assasination as a last ditch attempt to silence me. It could be a car crash or the like.
IF they attempt it, and please be over these disgusting, horrible creature like fleas over something less appealing. Then bomb the f… out them.
Don’t let them be comfortable killing innocent intellectuals.
G-d bless the will to be free, may we prevail.
Seriously l, those wonderful pictures of the hostages getting home to their families. That is the fruit of our labor. The consistency, the endless pursuit.
Whoa, this is good. Well done everybody, and welcome home.
G-d bless the will to make peace after this war.
I have had a lot of experience with the different royal houses, I am a close friend to the British royal house, there is the romance with the Spanish heir to the throne, the Arab royals.
So, I believe, that I can say, there is a basis of experience that one can draw one regarding the values and virtue of nobility.
To me, Princess Anne of England has some pungent points to make she says
“Consistency in values and actions is the mark of true nobility.”
In other words it is the CHARACTER of the royal or aristocratic person, is what defines the person.
Why? Because in a world of affluent ethics, the strong anchor of the nobility is the counterpoint to too much liberality.
Stiff upper lip, it can be called. Yet, fidelity, loyalty, honesty, integrity is what is expected of royalty.
The captain is the last man to leave the ship.
G-d bless the will for aristocracy to make a difference in this world. May we prevail.
All right, things are really moving fast these days.
Israel has an opportunity to become a regional player. Right now we are playing all our opportunities to Saudi Arabia. Not that I have anything against Saudi Arabia. It’s just, we should also profit from our wins on the battlefield. Have a direct link to both Syria and Lebanon. Supporters, value for both countries and so on.
This will enable us to be solidified as a much more stable player in the Middle East.
I am personally trying to lift my end of the work. My new media project is aiming at supporting the countries around us with good ideas, philosophical development and so on.
I will try and boost the work over the next couple of months.
G-d bless the will to make Israel a local player.
All right these are my reflections regarding a deal between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin.
First of all, both Putin and Zelensky are ready.
However Mr. Putin is a pretty tough guy. You don’t push him around.
He likes Steven Segal, he has a warm heart, but he is a tough guy.
In Russia they have this thing with “the Russian bear”. If you wake it up, it will devour you.
What they like about the Americans is the American cowboy mentality. A six shooter, bad ass mentality. Because they have the same in themselves.
When Russia expanded from Ukraine, they did it on horse, with a wave of what is called Cossacks. Powerful Viking like warriors.
So, that is them, really, deep down. The Cossacks are sword dancers and very lethal.
Does that remind you of a cowboy?
Anyway. They like a fair deal, that they can trust.
So, cards on the table, look them in the eye, maybe have a drink, and then make a deal that is fair. Also to Zelensky. Then make peace.
G-d bless the will to make peace in the East.