No eu

November 27th, 2024 No comments

Oh my G-d, the commission just closed my application with a no.

Well I guess, that seen from their perspective, making a peaceful transition in this time within the EU is not an option.

Is it because I called for restraint with Russia?

Seriously, if I do not do it, we can end up in a nuclear war on European soil.

So that will be a greater loss for me, than loosing the EU project.

Never mind, I have to make my own money. That is clear to me now.

G-d bless the will to be a rich philosopher, the first in the story of philosophers. Apart from Epicur I guess.

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The rus

November 27th, 2024 No comments

I REALLY implore the two competing world powers United States of America and Russia to think twice before you start amping up the war in Ukraine. It WILL have horrible consequences not only for the two countries but the world as such.

It will put the entire world in jeopardy and many, many, many lives will be lost.

Trump needs a fair shot at making his policies. Then we will rebuild the party from inside out in the meantime.

Such a colossal war we are facing is the end of the Viking expansion a thousand years ago, and are we really ready for that?

G-d bless the will to see Ukraine for what it is; the birth cradle of the Rus.

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Green change

November 27th, 2024 No comments

All right. So I got a response on the book on green change. Maybe there is a chance that it will be published.

If that works out, the next step is to do interviews to get to the bottom of the current state of the energy development. I need to talk to the engineers, to know exactly what is going on.

The current political process here in Denmark had some of my ideas, but it is without any VISION. A good process is made by people being worked up on it, and getting inspired.

So that is the aim of the book. To INSPIRE. Yet to be able to make the interviews I need money to travel around.

That is why I have made the application for the air car. Because that will allow me to make some money, so that I can travel around to do the interviews.

There is no chance for me to be supported by the Danish cultural ministry. They have just used the last year or so persecuting me. So that’s not going to happen.

That is why, if you want it done, you need to support me from the federal level.

G-d bless the will to make green change.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 27th, 2024 No comments

I have been pondering what went wrong in the election. One of the REALLY great mistakes, seen from my perspective, was that Princeton didn’t publish the book Eden that I send to them.

I have been working on that book for four years with Barack, it was the tool that was supposed to help us win. All the new ideas.

Support of the American dream, a lot of hands on ideas that could have been used right away.

Ok, I should have been more supportive based on the book, here on the blog, but we just had too little time to make new policies. Those we made were not good enough, so we lost.

If the book had been published in around may, as I had intended, it would have been injected into the presidential race, would have caused debate and Kamala would have been able to take the things she liked from the book, and made a much better run for the presidency.

I have no idea why Princeton didn’t want to publish the book, it is a very good book. But we should learn from it, and the publish the book now, so it can be a part of the debate heading for the next election.

I am working on a book on green change and just received a positive though not definitive answer on that book.

Policy has to be prepared by debating the ideas for some time, for it to really work.

Being a blogger is all fine and good, but we owe to the party, that it is more of a wide debate and not just for the select few.

Anyway. There is four year to the next election, so we will have time to talk things through, find a new candidate and so on.

And publish the book.

G-d bless the will to make a better America.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 26th, 2024 No comments

Well done. That was long coming, but now that it is here. It is the first step to dismantle the fighting and finally make a Middle East that is free of these terrors all the time.

A Middle East where people can live a normal life. A Middle East where people are happy.

G-d bless the will to make a peaceful world. Well done everyone.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 26th, 2024 No comments

All right, so we are there, at the beginning of a rebuild of the Democratic Party.

What should be our first priority?

We need to find some good candidates to the next election.

Already now, we can start trying to find some new candidates and prepare them for the next election.

There are many candidates out there, we just need to have our focus on preparing them.

G-d bless the will to rebuild.

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November 26th, 2024 No comments

Congrats Israel with the cease fire in Lebanon. All the arguments are sound, and therefor we will see where things goes to.

Hopefully it will give Israel the opportunity to make a viable peace, and thereby make Israel safe in the long run.

This war is tearing our goodwill to pieces, and we have to keep goodwill to be able to survive.

War is the effect of politics gone wrong. So we need to keep this war mostly in the realm of negotiations. I mean, having a war that expands with more and more players is not in our interest.

G-d bless the will to prevail.

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In the memory of Zvi Kogan

November 24th, 2024 No comments

The late rabbi, his eminence Zvi Kogan has been killed in an attack in the UAE.

I am so sorry, the loss of meaning is just heartbreaking.

Not to mention that Zvi was one of those Chabad Rabbis that was ready to sacrifice himself in the light of spirit.

So how do we honor the memory of Zvi?

We do it be RECOGNIZING that his sacrifice made a difference for US. His sacrifice calls to the humanity of everybody else.

It is said, that the blood of the heroes will water the tree.

Zvi gave his life, for everybody else to be strengthened in their devotion to the survival of Israel.

G-d bless the will to see the good in this war, and may we prevail.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 24th, 2024 No comments

To me, the raise of antisemitism all around the world is a two way street.

I have been doing a lot of dialogue work with the Muslim community here in Denmark. It works. It is not perfect. Yet we have very little threats to Jews here in Denmark, from Muslims at least. It comes from the system, not the Muslims.

The same goes for the Middle East. I still remain a true friend of the Arab kingdoms.

However, the continuation of the war is a reason why Muslims all over the world is getting angry.

Then letting their anger out on hapless Jews is off cause retraumatizing.

But I mean, we are now fighting in the second year in a war, where the Muslims have gone out of their way to find peace. Hamas have been trying to foster dissent. But most other countries are just trying to finish this war.

The attempt at making regime change in Iran, is met very restrictively.

My point is, if you wage a war, unrestricted, with the aim at toppling many regimes. You get enemies.

So instead of falling behind the fence of crying antisemitism. We should finish the war, and get on with our lives.

It is pretty easy. First we make a ceasefire in Lebanon. Then we implement some kind of agreement with Hamas. Which essentially means letting them leave Gaza.

Problem solved.

If we continue on this path, ultimately we will loose Israel, and have most of the world against us.

G-d bless the will to find peace and make Israel survive. May we prevail.

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Development of Spain

November 23rd, 2024 No comments

Well, to continue the discussion on a possible court in Spain.

It could be a hub of intellectual development, where scientists, artists, industrialist, aristocracy and politicians could meet and have an informal debate.

The best way to really make political development, and move society is by exchanging ideas, by talking.

This could really irrigate the Spanish society, by inviting all the leading lights of the society.

It kind of rest on the relationship between me and the princess to be realized. And, honestly, we are kind of trapped in Facebook. To move the relationship we could use some support.

G-d bless the will to make a better world.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 23rd, 2024 No comments

Ok, this is a kind of a service announcement here on the blog.

I am kind chipping out of Facebook. Lately it has been a very taxing experience. I have been connected with so many people and agendas.

On top of it, my romance with the crown princess of Spain is really getting from bad to worse.

So, it is really taxing.

And it is also an invitation. I proposed to the princess, that we could make a court in Spain with all of my friends. It could be amazing. The Rotschild’s seemed to be in on it from the beginning. But just imagine getting together everyone. We could make an amazing place for the betterment of humanity in that court.

Ah well, if ANY of you feel like drinking a cup of coffee and have a nice conversation, you are more than welcome.

I really appreciate that what we can do, is to make a better world.

I hope that you all see my efforts for what it is; an attempt at making a more peaceful, harmonious, rich world, where all of humanity thrives and are happy.

So, you are just more than welcome. This includes, everyone.

G-d bless the will to reach out and be true friends.

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A stable union

November 23rd, 2024 No comments

The European Union REALLY needs to get things to work. The clouds in the horizon are pretty obvious, and we need to work on these things. The problem, is, the Union can only work on the federal level, whereas a lot of the issues are actually on the national level.

That is migration, security, business. Yet, if we make a process, that SUPPORTS these issues locally, then by doing so, we can actually reapen the benefits on the federal level.

It is a difficult balance, but it should be possible.

G-d bless the will to make a more stable union.

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Different directions

November 23rd, 2024 No comments

You know things are kind of weird these days. At one hand, the peace between Jews and Muslims is actually going really well in the Middle East. We are nearing a ceasefire in Lebanon, which means, that Iran is open for a peace deal as well, since Hezbollah and Iran are closely connected.

The Arab kingdoms are ALSO open for a renewed cooperation with Israel. All in all, things are really going in the right direction.

At the other hand, in the European theatre, things are going, rapidly, in the other direction. Holland is smearing its good reputation with the Jews these days, accepting the pogrom as something that was not a pogrom.

In Denmark the problem is not the Muslims actually, it is the police that is virulently refusing their pro islamist stance.

This is a real problem.

So things are going in the right direction in some theatres, and in the wrong direction in other theatres.

G-d bless the will to be honest in face of these problems.

Categories: Politics Tags:


November 23rd, 2024 No comments

I just want to thank both the American as well as the Russian side on the issue of escalating the war in Ukraine.

I know, that there is a lot of bad blood running in this war. Yet, I think it is fair to mr. Trump, that he can charge a course when he comes to the helm.

We will see what his plans are, hopefully something that is constructive as to the betterment and grandness of the United States of America.

G-d bless the will to make a better world. May we prevail.

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The European Union

November 22nd, 2024 No comments

The EU needs to step up its game fast. I know that there seems to be time, yet there is no more time.

This is really the final test.

G-d bless the will to make this work. May we prevail.

Categories: Politics Tags: