Political process

Ok, here is some of my own experience with political compromise, that I have just been involved in.

In Denmark, we have tried to make solutions, that will actually solve the issues of CO2 burden on the environment, and make new ways of eating.

We succeed in this process, that ended up in a compromise in the Danish parliament.

This political process was extremely difficult, it came off the back of a terrible process of putting some fur producing farmers out of business. So at the time, it was a bit of a war going on.

The problem was, essentially, lack of understanding. The farmers did not understand the city dwellers, the city dwellers did not understand the farmers, and they all had their own agenda.

The way I helped make a compromise, was by interviewing the different parties. I interviewed the local Green Party, and I interviewed the most rebellious farmers, and we found a compromise, that was, essentially, to grow more trees instead of food.

Trees are good in the sense, that they absorb a lot of CO2, and can be used for buildings and so on.

All this was based on knowledge, I ran into some foresters of massive integrity and skill. It was quite amazing.

So by and large, by making things understandable to all, we found a way.

The same is to be done in the Middle East, except for the fact, that we do not have city dwellers against farmers (a conflict that is in itself very difficult) but three religions fighting over the same minuscule real estate called Israel.

How do we find a fair compromise of sharing the holy land?

That is really the question, we have to find an answer to.

Based on my experience with the farmers, I would recommend, that we, already now, see and get the political level engaged. We need all the movers and shakers to propose ideas, and see if we can find ideas, that will give us the needed answers.

It will not be easy, but if we are able to develop the situation, we may end up in what we call, for a lack of better description, political disruption, in a positive way off cause. A construct, that will be fair to all, Muslims, Jews and Christians.

G-d bless the will, to search for avenues of peace, and may we get there.

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