Ok, I know that everybody are angry at everybody in the Middle East. Especially the conflict between Jews and Muslims is over the top.
Building bridges in terms of conflict deescalation and reconciliation is not exactly easy.
But, it is possible, we have done it before, and we can do it again.
At the core of the bridge building efforts, we have to be realistic about where those bridges are going to be built.
They are going to be build over the chasm of mainstream religion.
The understanding between mainstream Jewish faith and mainstream Muslim faith is where we can actually reach some kind of understanding.
I know, that the ways the different religions have evolved over the millennia are very different. Islam has delved into the marriage between law and religion. Judaism is all about the ancient metaphysical understanding of G-d seen through the lens of the cabalistic wisdom. Christianity is a marriage between Platonism and the new testament.
Add to this, the current constitution in Iran is a marriage between Democracy and Islam.
Not exactly systems that seem to be easy to find common ground on.
But, and this where I truly find, that there is hope. We share the same roots. Moses is a figure that we all revere. The founder of monotheism, there are all the stories of the Torah, that goes in between all religions, and, hopefully when we start to understand that we actually do all fight the same fight. That of good against evil, that of siding with the angels in opposition to the dark lord, we may find common ground. Because as we squabble and fight amongst each other, who do you think is the most happy?
The dark lord is having a lot of progress these days, evil is blossoming all around the world.
The true fight we are supposed to do is not amongst each other, it is to side with the angels.
That fight is what unites us.
G-d bless the will to find common ground, and may we find the will and the strength to fight for those who are in harms way of the devil.