Reaching for the stars

One of the best things of the US, is the engineering, frontier spirit, that has been in the DNA of the US from the beginning.

From the first pilgrims, to NASA.

This idea, of at frontier, that is ever moving, is what the US really IS.

Let us have a look at it, from a European Rebel perspective, that is mine.

I live with a lot of political stress and turmoil, because I CHANGE things to the better.

In the US, this is REALLY popular. Americans LIKE this idea of moving forward to a better place.

That is the true difference between the US and Europe.

In the US, the vibe is to embrace Change, in Europe, the status quo is preferred.

So normally, a guy like me, would flee to the US. I would do that, if it had not been because of my kids. I can’t leave my kids.

But then, people like me, were the ones who build the US. Refugees from Europe, that fled from the problems they had in Europe, the Rebels, the troublemakers, the visionaries.

You guys are like me, because you like to look into the horizons, and dream big.

Like the Mars mission. What is that, if not exactly that, the pioneering spirit, the brazen frontiersmen, looking for new adventures in the stars?

My point is, that in this day and age, we all bicker and fight. That is not really what the US is. The US is a pioneering, amazing, forward going culture, that reaches for the sky.


If you remember, what you are. Then you heal.

I talk out of my own experience, because I try to do the same here in Denmark, and it is difficult.

Don’t go down the same road, stay on the course to the stars.

G-d bless the will to do good, and look upon the frontiers out there among the stars. G-d bless the will to evolve, positively and in unity.

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