
Ok this is my take on the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel.

Beware, it is a provocation.

The aim is to disrupt the peace process that is between the Arab states and Israel.

So, if we are not careful, this will be the outcome.

How do we respond.

We do it, be keeping a keen eye on the BALANCE.

Injustice is if you are more violent, than those who who you fight.

If you are MORE violent than the one you are fighting, you are seen as doing the unjust action.

But if you do not do anything, you are, more often than not, seen as weak.

We have to find the middle ground between looking weak and being injust.

Not doing anything, will not give peace. Making a measured, calculated response, that avoid any civilian casaulties and seeks to do precise, yet effective responses, will be seen as adequate and just.

Not too much, and not too little, and then going after those who are TRULY responsible for the atrocities, will give us a just war.

But, and this is VERY important, we need to be absolutely honest about what we do, and why we do it. In this day and age of transparency, everybody will know the truth anyway.

So a measured, precise, honest warfare, guided by a truly heartfelt attempt at getting this to simmer down, and keep everyone out of harms way, is the way.

G-d bless the will to find peace, but not through nativity, but through realism. G-d bless the will to find peace with not only the Arabs, but everybody around us, may we prevail, always as the home the Jews. Blessed be thee.

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