Support the king

Well, there seems to be a difficult time in terms of house of Windsor.

I have been a true friend of the house since the days of her majesty Queen Elisabeth II.

This is my advice.

The health of the royal family is the life blood of the nation of the United Kingdom.

It is very important, that all in the family are healthy and sound.

This is why a good support in terms of health is very important.

I therefor pledge my loyalty and service to the house of Windsor, and offer my help in any capacity.

How and in what way, is off cause up to the royal house, but rest assured, that anything I can do in terms of healing and support I really offer to do.

I really loved the late Queen, I cried when she passed away.

The current king and the crown prince are so nice and good people.

I therefore offer any help to support you, as you wish.

G-d bless the house of Windsor and may it prosper and be strengthened.

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