The contours of the war and the debate

Ok it seems to me, that we, more or less, are going for the endgame in the current war in Gaza.

As I understand it, Fatah is coming onto the Israeli side. That is really a good sign. Good sign in the sense, that this means that the Gazans in general is pretty upset about the endless fighting. They are, which is right, pointing fingers at Hamas. So they are looking to ways out. Fatah is a very good option.

Then that gives the Israeli side an opportunity to win by pushing the dialogue with Fatah.

I know that we still need to discuss the aftermath of the war, but we have made quite a few inroads on that debate. So we may actually not be very far from some kind of conclusion.

Then there is the election in Israel, that points to the debate about the how and why’s of the 7´th October.

That debate still is in its infancy, so that is something that we need to find some kind of direction on.

So, all in all, it’s still pretty tough, and the soldiers are doing an amazing job.

But, there is a contour for some kind of solution to the war.

G-d bless the will to do good in this world, may we find peace at the end of this horrible war, and finally be friends.

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