The swan leaving the duckpond

Ok, so for me, there is a new chapter. I have left the Danish duck pond, and I am finally doing what I am supposed to do; work on international politics.

There are several burning issues, and I can’t fix them all. But I can definitely further progress in all.

To make my work transparent and, to be honest, also have some kind of academic career.

I will continue down a path, that I have not had the opportunity to do for a long time; writing books.

Hopefully, this can be a part of the wider academic discussion on the areas that I am currently involved in. Primarily the solidification and founding of the European Union, secondly, the progress of the Royal English house.

The American election is based, for a part, by my ideas. Specifically the economical ideas. But I will write a treatise of economy if by all possible.

If there are some Americans who have ideas on anything, please give me a call. Preferably with some kind of academic basis. Someone has to read the books.

G-d bless the will, to do good, speak well, and act well. G-d bless the peace we will ultimately find at the end of the current debacle in The Middle East.

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