I have tried to give it a lot of thought, the house of Bourbon, the royal family of Spain.
Spain is an ancient realm, going all the way back to the Karthagenians that founded Iberia.
I may not be the one to really paint the picture of Spain, because I am a Dane, so there is a long way from Spain to Denmark.
But I think, that the royal family may be able to solidify and support its role not only as a representative of the Catholic Church, but also as a supporter of Spanish economy and industry?
In Denmark the business here is very loyal to the Crown, it goes way back, and our king here is really good at supporting the business here.
Finding the loyal Danes has been a good strategy for the Danish royal house. We have also been working a lot on green Change, that is forests and modern things as the energy production.
But especially forests have been something we have been working a lot with, and it has been a success.
We are currently working on a project to plant trees in the desert, if his eminence prince Zayeed is open for that. At least all my forester friends are all fires up to do that, and we have some gene workers working on trees that will grow in the desert and a lot of other wonderful ideas.
Anyway, Iberia is known for its ancient story and wonderful people. I have walked the Camino, and that gave me some kind of insight into the Spanish world.
Actually that was what started my career or what you would call it as a philosopher.
G-d bless the unity of Spain.