The Middle East

We are trying to find our feet again in the Middle East, and since, I have become a player again, these are my ideas about the Middle East, that gave a lot of progress the first time, so maybe it can continue.

We need to be very careful not to be involved in the feud between the Arabs and the Persians. We are supposed to bring peace, and we can only do that, if we do not play the internal game in between the Persians and the Arabs, that is Iran and the Arabian kingdoms including Egypt (they are not Arabs, but have a close relationship to the Arabs).

The continued infighting between the sunni and shia is one of the main motors of the conflicts of the Middle East. So if we want to make peace, fuelling these conflicts is not the right way to do it.

Contrary, we need to find a way to balance the interests off, and be the man in the Middle.

To me, that is what Israel is all about, not taking sides, but making the holy land a place for all monotheistic life.

Again we shouldn’t be naive, but we should not fuel any conflicts either.

So a diplomatic, balanced yet forceful view is to my mind the way forward. Make small steps, not long strides, and make peace.

G-d bless the peace we can find in The Middle East.

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