The path

Listen princess, when you are in your feelings, and everything just seems to be horribly difficult. Then instead of going into those feelings, and let yourself be controlled by them. What you need to do, is to get out of your situation.

This you do by putting up goals, where do you want to go?

I realized, that I wanted to be with you, then I realized, that that is going to be like climbing three mountains in a row. So I do that, I go on that pilgrimage, to you.

Feelings are indicators of what you NEED. So if you miss me, all the time, then this indicates, that you want to share your time with me.

Then, you have to figure out, how you get to do that. You also have to figure out, if it is a good idea.

I mean, one thing is your feelings, another thing is the reality. Is it a good idea to be together with a Danish philosopher?

To me, that makes sense. I can help you, you can help me, we will have a good shot at making a good life.

It also has to be condoned by those around you. Marry the girl, marry the family. If we are to be together, I need to be a part of your family. So we need to make that happen as well.

So, my advice would be. Set goals as to our relationship, figure out what you really want, and then, figure out at way to get to that goal.

G-d bless the path to love. 🙂

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