The right thing to do

Princess, family is based on virtue, if it is to work on the long run.

When you are in a crisis, and you often are. That is just life. Then you have to think about, what is right. Not what is most convenient, the most easy, the evil choice, but what you would like other people to do to you.

I these days, people are much more on satisfying their own needs, and call for freedom for themselves, and don´t see what they can do to others, but what others can do for them.

But when you are in a crisis, and you feel sad, you have to have a shoulder to rest on. That shoulder will be there, if you were there for that shoulder yourself in another situation.

When you go through the things you go through now with your family, the easiest thing to do is to lock yourself up, and feel that the whole world is against you.

That is when you think about what is the right thing to do. Is it to start the fight, or is it to accept that which is against you with grace?

People judge you on your character, and if you stay with what you think is the right thing to do. More often than not, people will try to push you about to serve their ends. This is when it is important to stop and make up your mind on what YOU think is right. Pick the choice you find is the better choice, and then talk about it with your family.

In this way, a family can get through a crisis in a good way.

G-d bless the will to see family as the most important thing, and protect it from all the dangers around. Make it a happy family.

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