The situation

Ok, let’s see if we can deduce the structure of the current Gaza/Israel fight/conflicting points of view.

First let’s see it from a Palestinian view.

The Palestinian Arabs are loosing allies fast, and are in internal disagreement.

Quatar just threatened to let go of the Hamas foreign leadership, and there are no Arab countries that support them anymore.

But, the Iranian alliance is still behind them, though not really with a lot of support. The Iranians are still trying to be nice to the EU connections, and Russia is not that interested in another major conflict.

So, Hamas is loosing ground.

At the other side, the picture is to a degree, in the same dynamics.

The US is still supporting Israel, but the support is vaning. There is a lot of internal disagreement, and no real unified front.

Still there is support from UK, France, but it is not a strong support.

The EU is trying to support a dialogue between the two partners and in that sense is the mediator. Supporting me as well, so that is very good, thank you for that.

If we project this development further into the future, it will mean more of the same. The support will vane for both parties, and thus both Hamas and Israel will have less support.

If we look at the objectives of the war from an Israeli perspective, most if not almost all has been met.

We still miss a lot of hostages, but if I understand the military leadership right, Hamas does not pose any threat in a conventional way. It is a bit difficult to really get a clear picture. Some say that Hamas is beaten, others say, that they are still very active.

So, this is the situation before Ramadan.

In most conflicts you can project the current development to understand, what will happen if you do what you do more.

That means, less support for both factions.

The rest of the world and specifically the Middle East is tired of the conflict just wants it to be over.

I am not saying how and when.

But there is no doubt, that the conflict is effectively diminishing and not getting larger.

There is the threat of terror attacks in Ramadan, we don´t know when and how, but from a country power perspective everybody pushes for peace and are not interested in more war.

G-d bless the will to find some kind of end to this horrible war, and may we find reconciliation. G-d bless the will of the peoples of the Middle East, may they find respite and a possibility for a life with joy and hope and be finally happy and content. May we find the ability to settle the way to the end of this war and may we find peace.

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