
One of the things, that hinder a solution to the war between Gaza Palestinians and Israel is the UNDERSTANDING of what it is each side wants to accomplish.

Let me try and paint the picture from each side, so that maybe we can shed a little light on some of the more deeper mechanisms in action.

Israel wants a victory. What is a victory in a European, war sense.

You can look at the Second World War, where the American/Russian alliance won over the Nazies.

Here Churchill declared victory over the nazies. It is here the Israelis have the term from. Since Churchill is the most successful leader of a Western alliance in modern time.

What happened after the Second World War? There was a dismantling of the nazi infrastructure and a rebuilding of Germany.

This is what Israel really wants.

At the other hand, Palestinian Arabs are not that into European war understanding, and just want to be recognized and have retribution for the colonization of Israel.

So this real issue here is, at least in terms of understanding each other. That each side do not understand the other part.

That is why I have pointed to chief Seattle as an idea. Instead of fighting. Try and find some kind of path to mutual peace.

G-d bless the will to see the Gaza/Israel conflict as what it is, a recalibration of understanding and acceptance of the existence of Israel as a true country in a Middle East frame. Israel is a part of the Middle East, if we continue to see this, it will normalize.

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