The war

Well, we have to figure out, what to do with the world, as soon as this war has ended.

What are really the teachings we can get from this conflict. I know that it is not over, and there are a lot of dangers ahead. We could still loose, if we are not playing our cards with care.

But as the stream of actions go, we are winning.

So, if this constellation keeps in place. We are in a good spot.

So what are the things to take away from this conflict?

First of all, and this is a thing, that I have tried to postpone for a long time, but it is needed to be said. Israel is bound by fate to its king.

That is the way Israel works. Right now, at this very moment, there is only one candidate to the throne, and that is me.

I know, that that may sound preposterous. But I mean, the tradition is, that the David was living in a cave, before he became the number one king of Israel.

I am, pretty much, living in a cave right now, so there is a parallel for the historically interested there.

Secondly, the fact of the matter is, that when I do not keep my attention to Israel, things unravel. I am, partly, to blame for the detoriation of Israeli politics, that led to 7 th October. I were doing other things, had my tv station, working on environmental issues, and so on.

All good things, that a king of Israel is supposed to do, bringing peace to the world. But I kind of left politics in Israel to the side, leaving Israel exposed.

When the sh.. hit the fan, and I got fired, and consequently harassed, things went really bad.

But, when I tried my best to make things right, we started flourishing again. We are now a united people, under one banner and stronger than ever. The IDF is blazing ahead, and we are winning every contest.

So, like it or not, my fate is bound to Israel.

And the other way around, Israel is bound to my fate.

But before you start phantasizing too much about the prospect of having a king. I guess, I have been the king for a long number of years, but before we start elevating that thought. Let’s be realistic about the threats to that situation. Because what happens, if the kings falls?

I almost fell, and that was the incentive to the 7´th October.

I am still here, I survived, but I can, by no serious measure in terms of security to Israel, and myself, be put I danger. I am kind of like the king in a chess game. If I fall, the game is lost. If I live, we are in good terms.

So, and this is really important. I need to be shielded.

That means, I need to be protected, so that I, at the other end of the deal, can shield Israel.

This means, that a fraction of the cyber ressources, that are used in the war, needs to be put into my protection. I know, that is a lot to ask, and I know we are in a middle of a war. But you cannot loose me.

Also, we need to think about physical risks. I am, right now, only targeted with cyber means, but that may not be all.

So, there is a physical element to the protection as well. That includes the princesses.

But we need to do it covertly. We cannot start making too much of a fuss about it. But, you need to address the fact, that you have a king, and you need to protect him, and his family. If things pan out, as I think they will, we need an heir. And we actually happen to have a very good candidate, she just does not know yet, and she shouldn’t be subject to that pressure.

Anyway, this is the direction, that the war is flowing. All in all, a lot of good things can still come out of it, and we are not finished. But there is a true chance for peace at the end, not only in and around Israel, but all over the world.

I can continue my work, as a philosopher, supporting the constructive development of the institutions of the world. From Israel.

Imagine that.

G-d bless the peace we may find, and g-d bless the troops of the Israeli army. May we prevail.

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