The good capitalist

Well, there is a thing, that might filter in, into the presidential campaign that mr. Biden is doing right now.

Warren Buffet is a great capitalist. I mean, he must be, with all the money he has made. But he does not really seem like a bad person. In fact he really seems like a very, very nice person. He cares about ethics, and he does not show off. In fact, one would argue, that he is a good person.

This is important to understand from a liberal perspective. You can gain success by sucking on the poor, but I does not have to be like that. You can actually be a good businessman and at the same time have morals.

In fact, I would argue, that a sincere sense of ethics is quite important if you are to be a success in the long run. There is only so far you can get by lying and stealing, and it catches up on you eventually. The advise; to treat other people the way you want to be treated yourself, is not such a bad advise.

But it does also reflect back on what you would call Bidenomics, that of making business where worker and industrialist work together to make wealth for the country.

There are actually cases, where we need to fight for better living conditions. But when you have a guy like Warren Buffet at the helm, a good guy, there is ALSO time for cooperation and lifting in unison.

We have to be honest about this, manufacture is not only that of a fight in between worker and capitalist. Warren Buffet manages to make a good contribution to society, while making a buck or two for himself.

Capitalism is, if it is to work, resting on a good man.

G-d bless the will to see from theory, and understand praxis.

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