The king?

Ok, so, essentially the brass around the world see what I do here at Rubicon as a messianic thing.

That has been going on for ten years.

It will continue as long as I can make the blog run.

The question is, essentially, do we move further? Now would be the perfect time. We are united, we are winning a war, the wind is in our sails.

BUT, what would we do, and why?

To be honest, there is a lot to be said for the situation as it is. I get to live a more or less private life here in Denmark, and my kids live a normal life.

I get to contribute to the world in a peaceful and very constructive manner.

BUT, there is the obvious downside, that it is a pretty unstable situation, as we have just witnessed. 7´th of October could have been avoided, if my life didn’t turn out to be a mess, honestly.

So I need stability to function and contribute.

Then what would be the next step we could take, to solidify the situation?

The obvious answer would be institutions. We could build a castle, change the constitution to include a king or a queen. And ultimately build a new temple on the temple mound.

This is an option. But we need to have a clear look at that option as well. What does it present us as positives and negatives. The obvious positive is, that it could further the peace work that is the institution of the king of Israel. We could make world peace.

AND it would solidify the existence of Israel. Right now, the situation is precarious at best, and if I hadn’t taken action after the 7´th October, we could have lost. That is the bare, naked facts.

Having a king in Israel, is a good thing for Israel. I could be in direct communication with the generals, and know what was going on in terms of security.

Also it could bring a new stability to the political process. The conservative influence a good king has on the political process, that of trying to uphold spiritual virtues and morale, is important. The balance between parliament and king is valuable, if it works.

Usually a dynasty will work, as long as the heir is qualified, and we have an heir. She is most qualified. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is a wonderful, stable, beautiful person.

BUT, right now the leaders of the world know and respect my work here at People of the world does not know me. So, what happens, when and if we make the situation more stable, and build institutions around it?

That remans to be seen, and we have to take it step by step.

But, there is the option to solidify the situation, and you are more than welcome to have your say. What about the Israeli people, would you like this new development? The Knesset? The political leaders?

I am all ears, and we need to turn our situation to a more stable situation. But how we do that, is up to a discussion, and I am all ears.

G-d bless the will to find peace in the world.

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