Ok, the situation is like this. We are very close to winning. It is hard, and the fighting takes a toll. But look at the things on the ground, we are almost dominant on ground.
Then we have to initiate the discussion post winning.
It is really quite simple. We need to control the security of Gaza, as we do in the West Bank.
The PA may be able to administer the public funding of the administation and do the organizational things, for an administration to work.
This is a state, in the sense, that PA controls everything apart from security.
If we do this. We don’t have the problems we have right now from Gaza. If Hamas tries to set up shop again in Gaza, we can put an end to that.
The continued fighting has the aim as to neutralize Hamas as a threat to Israel. But the aim is not to harm the rest of the population in Gaza. As long as we are ok with security in terms of physical threat, we are ok.
How would that work?
If Turkey and Qatar are in disagreement, please advance some kind of alternative.
G-d bless the will to finally find peace in and around Israel.