
Princess, when you become queen, one day, you will be responsible for the armed forces of Spain.

These are my experience with that role.

First of all, you are responsible for EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER, that is out there fighting under your banner.

Each soldier has a family, many have kids, and you are essentially gambling with lives.

Many times politicians do not really have any feeling for the life of a soldier. I am REALLY lucky in the sense, that a lot of the leading politicians of Israel are war hardened generals; Gantz, Galant and Netanyahu.

Pretty cool politicians, if you ask me. But you may not be so lucky. Peace time breeds politicians with no understanding of the hardships of war.

If this happens, your task gets exponentially harder, because you are RESPONSIBLE for the lives of the soldiers, and at the same time you have very little concrete power. It is all in your ability to think strategically and advise without taking sides in the political game.

YOU are not to take sides, but try to help the political world to find a positive way out. More often than not, the politicians are debating and you have to be VERY careful not pick sides.

It is a difficult game of diplomacy. You have a philosophically turned mind, so you will get there through education. I can teach you, if you want, I know all the good books to choose from.

So YOU need to ready for war, and more importantly, think about the cost not only to you, but more importantly to your fellow soldiers.

I have lost a lot my friends in the fire, and trust me, those scars are never going to heal, but you continue to move forward, because they are now part of you, and YOU hold their legacy. For it is people like Lars Vilks, a friend om mine, Finn Nørgaard who was also shot.

They stay with you, for the rest of your life. You honor them, by remembering their sacrifice, and seek to give them credit.

That is how heroism is truly born, by being true to your nation, but also true to the human cost that that sometimes requires.

G-d bless the will to protect the nation, and look out for the lives that it requires. The tree of life has to be watered by the blood of the heroes, the old saying goes. It is that process, that is hard and yet, sometimes, the only way.

Yet, and the end of any war, peace is the goal.

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