What do WE want?

Princess, what do I want from you? I want YOU to be happy. This will happen if I am happy.

So it is a two way thing. If you are happy, I am happy.

One of the things that matter a lot to me, are the Ten Commandments. It may sound a little old fashioned. But essentially the Ten Commandments are guidelines for a good relationship, apart from being a dedication to one G-d.

You have to be clean in your ways, dont go for other men or women. King Davids downfall was when he sent Urias to die to get to Batseba.

To me a relationship is like a small garden that you prune and care for. When there are kids, they get to live in that garden, so your love will spread like a green carpet of grass under them, to find solace and a place to be happy as well.

In our situation, where a lot of eyes will be looking at us, those Ten Commandments are like the most important. People do not forgive us, if we step over them. Davids downfall was exactly that. So for royalty these limits are pretty iron clad.

So, maybe make a small garden between the two of us, a home and a happy place to come back to when we have both been out fighting for a better world?

Does that make sense to you, and what do you want from me?

G-d bless the will to find happiness in this world.

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