Middle East

imageThe Middle East is embroiled in yet another bloody war. Since the days of the first pharaohs, the Middle East has been the fighting ground for thousands of armies, and still is.

One thing is certain however, we need to understand the current conflict in order to progress with the peace plans.

Both the Sunni as well as the Shias have actually progressed a long way on the path of peace. On one hand we have Egypt, who are ready to rebuild the nation and reaches out for the West. We should off cause take this opportunity. At the other hand we have Iran, who are really also trying to reach a peaceful solution. Also Saudi Arabia are interested in peace.

In the middle however we have Sunni rebels, who are, ideologically, too far from the ideas of a united Middle East, and consequently destroying hope in the Middle East for progress and harmonious relations.

The problem is the ideological content of the Sunnis. They believe, that Islam will dominate the world. The messianic fervor is pure and bright, the only problem is, they are wrong. It is simply not a viable path. It is absolutely unrealistic.

The arrogance and the absolute lack of realism have pitted the entire world against them. Even Saudi Arabia, who are very close to Al Queda and the Muslim brotherhood politically as well as ideologically have seen the danger they present.

The uncompromising attitude has even made enemies of such central institutions as Al-Azhar and the leading clerics of Saudi Arabia. Not to mention the powerful American military force, and off cause Shia fighters. The list goes on.

We have to realize, that to reach a situation, where we can progress down the path of peace, Al Queda and the Muslim Brothers along with their absurd ideological ideas must either lay down their weapons themselves, or be brought to a halt and ultimately to elimination.

It is like this, whether we like it or not.

After this has been done, we can travel down the peace path. And ultimately construct a world in harmony and progress.

It all comes down to another fight.

G-d bless the will to keep the hope, and use the tools of sharing to the benefit of all who call themselves sons and daughters of the creator.

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