Well, now Denmark has embarrassed itself AGAIN first it was the “selfie” picture of our terrible PM, and now the chairman of parliament, another true left wing, and then, in Denmark, vicious anti Israel politician, has been rejected by the israelian government, on a small tour to both Israel and the Gazans.
First of all, a political crisis is rarely what it seems, it is a means as to show some discontent on a range of issues. It is therefor not just this incident, but a range of incidents that makes Israel angry with Denmark.
First there was the total insult of the leading Danish artist Lars Von Trier, in his rejection of holocaust, and the following appreciation of that stance by Ahmadinejad. This had absolutely no consequences for Von Trier, despite the insult done not only to Israel, but also to all the Jews who were gassed in the ovens of the Nazis.
Then there was the multicultural feast, all were invited except the Zionist organization. Not to mention the fact, that Jews are afraid of walking with their stars of David and kippas in the open.
But I think the ultimate insult was the fact, that Rakel, my little girl was openly tortured by the secret police, and this had no consequence at all for my relationship to the state. I mean, a simple apology would perhaps have been in order, to show that it was a mistake. But no one, not one media has chosen to cover the case, giving the PET a free hand in the persecution.
This is why Mogens Lykketoft is rejected at the border, it is not about his own person, although he is notoriously anti Jewish.
Things have consequences, everything does not just happen in a vacuum. When you, officially, make statements as the state have done over the last ten to thirty years, that are unfriendly to Israel, well in the end, Israel will cease to be hospitable to you.
My best advise would be to take action on the issues that I point to, and to other. Be serious about this, a diplomatic crisis will evolve and turn into open hostilities, if not handed carefully. It is not a joke, or a light thing. And may I remind you, that on this question Denmark does not have any support anywhere, so Israel is in a strong position.
G-d bless Israel.