
Listen, the EU really needs to figure out what you want. Do you want me to do the green change manifesto? Do you want to work on the reorganization?

The green change manifesto has already circulated in some closed circles, it can be a real renaissance work in line with Da Vinci and Rousseau, I mean that would be quite cool wouldn’t it?

Let me try and explain how this works. The Jews are the nicest to me. They are so thoughtful and supportive. They have backed me, unconditionally, since the beginning of my work. Without them I would have been in dire straits.

The Saudis have tried to support me economically and with all kinds of support. They are also amazing.

The European Royals have been so supportive. Especially the British royal house. It has been truly exceptional. Thank you 🙏

The communist gave me a job, when I needed it the most.

When Obama finished his tenure, he send Lionel Richie to make a song with a Danish singer. That was also just an amazing gift.

The Pope really stood up for me, when I had problems with my kids in the school. That was just so amazing. It was a really great help.

That is how I experience my support and pay back for all the hard work I have done.

Now you have promised me some funds for the work you want me to do. Yet you have bailed three times.

Compared to my other readers, that is a bad streak.

You have to figure out, what you want.

The issue with the EU project is, that I need resources to do it. I have to buy tickets to meet and talk with the other philosophers in Europe.

So it made sense to me, that your pay and support would be economic.

But I mean, it’s up to you. You choose yourself.

G-d bless the will to be supportive in the right way, and be good friends.

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