No stick and carrot

You know. Why should I lift the green change process and develop the EU to a level, where it would actually work.

Why? I mean, obviously no one is willing to pay for it. Not only that, if they are not willing to pay for it. Then the honor of doing it would probably go to someone else.

So what would really be my motivation? The answer is, there is no motivation. Not only that, as is pretty apparent. The promised money is more used as a carrot, that can be taken away if I don’t behave.

Seriously. This is no way to make one of the most dangerous, challenging processes of a millennium. A stick and carrot process.

No, I am not going to do that. It’s too much to ask, and. I am finished being a part of a method like that.

I have no problem helping people or supporting people that need it.

But you have to find another way to motivate me, if you want me to do it.

G-d bless the will to find solace in working where one is actually appreciated.

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