
I have thought a bit about yesterday and the discussion we had on EU and the Ukraine war.

First of all, you are being annoying. You can’t promise me things, over and over to make me develop certain policies, and then just not deliver. This is the third time.

If you want me to develop a certain area, which I will, if I feel it falls into my area of expertise. Then what I do is to write a book, and then based on the book, we have a wider debate on the issue.

Here you may enter with funding, support the general debate and so on.

This is how you make sure that the process is widely recognized and serious. The public needs to be able to enter the debate as well. Because if it is only an ivory tower debate, they won’t accept it.

That is why you guys need to publish the books, make sure it gets an audience within academia and the wider public.

Based on this, then you can make your policies. Because the citizens will be advised and there will be no problem. That is how you do this. At least that is how everybody else do this.

Now this nature manifesto that I am working on. Has a lot of potential. It can a lot of fuel in that debate. You HAVE to get all riled up about it and exited and marching in the streets, this is how things change.

G-d bless the will to make Change.

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