
Princess, one of the most important things in this world, when you are going to be queen, is to be able to give of yourself.

It can be difficult when you are in an elevated position, to share what you have, because resources has to be protected to be stable.

Nevertheless, the mechanics of the world is like this.

When you are in a good position, have a lot of good friends, have resources you HAVE to give some of it. Within the Catholic Church it is called tithing. You give 10 % of your resources. The same is going on within Judaism and Islam. You give when you have something to give.

I am right now, giving you a lot of myself. I do it because I like you, because I think you are beautiful.

The thing is, I do it unconditionally. There are no conditions to it.

I have done it with a lot of people over the years.

For a long time, I was frustrated, because I did not get anything back. Then I noticed, that I do get something back, but it is only when I NEED it. Friends only give, when they can see, that another friend is really in trouble or has a serious need.

Like now, his majesty Charles and Kate, they are in need of healing, I heal them everyday, why, because they need it, and they are friends.

Giving unconditionally is not something you advertise, you just do it. Somehow people figure it out, and they will feel, that the sacrifice you do makes you a true friend.

You can also TAKE. There are a lot of people, who take all the time, and lives in this way. But the beauty of being a giver is, that the relations you have are based on positive emotions. When you are in a phase, where you need something of your friends, the experience you get of them giving you unconditionally gives you a feeling of companionship and love essentially.

That is tithing.

When you are a queen, you need to be able to give to your country. The love that is shared between you and Spain is based on the fact that you give people a lot of attention. This is often ceremonies of appreciation. You give out knightships, medals and so on. You could just sit in your palace and not do it, it takes time and effort. But people get so happy about the attention you give them, that the relationship builds your relation to the people.

G-d bless the will to enjoy giving, and see the most beautiful flower of Spain and give her what I have in a sincere and joyful spirit. 🙂

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