How to make a good life

July 3rd, 2024

One the things, that I have philosophized a lot about together with some of my nerdy friends, is HOW to sustain a relationship for a long time.

When you are an artist, your life has a lot of ups and downs, you are never better than your last record, as they say.

Making a stable life in this environment is really challenging. So first of all, what it comes down, is some kind of stability in life.

You have to be able to make a stable economy and make ends meet. Be stable in your emotional life as well. If you are all over the plate emotionally, yes, you will be an exiting mate, but in the long run, it gets really exhausting.

The most important though is class. Not to be looking down on anyone, it is about YOU having class. Speak nicely, treat everybody with respect, be humble and yet forceful. Have a serious moral compass.

At the heart of class lie the most important virtue, the ability to sacrifice yourself.

Let me give you an example. I have this really, really cool friend. Through the last year, I have had like torrents of hate and persecution raining down on me.

In a small city as I live in, people will pick sides, and all of a sudden, you have people whom you really liked who will abandon you.

But my friend has just been like a rock, through all the difficulties, he has been there, not critical at all, just a stable support.

He has not gained anything out of it really. He has just been a stable support. I have been able to give back a little, but compared to his sacrifice it is really nothing.

Friends like that are both humbling and give you a stable life.

I HAVE a base to stand on, that is, among many other people off cause, his loyalty and support.

The thing is, there are other people, that I do the same with. People, that I support, unconditionally.

So in some kind of cosmic cycle it all comes back.

That is really true class.

To help and support those in need, to your best ability, and by that, creating an environment around you, that is both sound for you and stable.

G-d bless the will to give unconditionally.

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