Mr. Netanyahu

When you prophesize something, often the prophesy seems weird in the situation. I promised mr. Netanyahu, that he would be a hero if he did not launch the final tank offensive in Gaza. In fact it seemed wrong after all the problems Likud got after the war. The right and the conservatives were scolding him, and he had to, as a consequence ask the people of his war-conduct was all right.

It really kind of made me sad, I hate to be wrong. But after the election, it seems to me, that I was not wrong after all. I mean, the reason why the election was initiated was because he got a bad reception of how he worked on the last Gaza war. But obviously mr. Netanyahu did get it right, at least if you ask the voters.

Heroism is not about how politicians view other politicians, it is how voters and people look upon their leaders. So I suppose the voters have Netanyahu as a hero.

I realize it is also a strong backing to a very critical stance towards Iran, so in this I am not a part, it is the loyalty of the Israeli people towards their leader on this issue that they show. I mean, we are not supposed to loose Israel, and we need it to be strong, and we need to unite and be healed after all the controverses after the last Gaza war.

The people have spoken, they have given a green light to both the actions in Gaza, and the tough stance against Iran. We need to respect mr. Netanyahu for his leadership in this, and give him the credit.

I still hope for a peaceful solution in the negotiations with Iran, but I must say, that I at the same time, recognize mr. Netanyahu for what he is; a hero, a Messiah for his people.

G-d bless mr. Netanyahu.

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