
I do absolutely agree on the plans of Mr. Lavrov and the newly elected president of the Iranian Republic Mr. Rouhaini.

Yes, if there is a possibility to stop the 20 % enrichment of uranium, and stop at 5,3 %, that is a deal.

That is it. It should be met with open arms and in effect be possible to control without any boundaries.

From here on, I would propose closer ties with the ecclesial world of shia, with the rest of the spiritual world. After all, the basic tenants of shia is interesting, and I am sure we all can learn from each other.

We as men of spirit, know, that we were put in this world to ensure, that it was not brought to chaos and destruction, but to harmony and beauty. It is written in all of the philosophical texts that base our faiths, and it is the responsibility we have towards the spirit we serve.

We are not here to bring torment to people, but to bring the opposite; harmony and peace.

G-d bless the willing and the makers of peace.

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